
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Kalwick, D. J. (1996). "3D graphics: tips, tricks & techniques.".

Kam, D. V. and C. Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. of Special (2003). Felipe Ehrenberg: a neologist's art & archive. [Stanford, Calif.], Stanford University Libraries.

Kamekura, Y. (1966). Trademarks and symbols of the world. London, Studio Vista.

Kamph, J. and L. M. G. f. t. G. A. Princeton University. Library. Leonard (1986). 50 design bindings, 1974-1986. Princeton, N.J., Leonard L. Milberg Gallery for the Graphic Arts, Princeton University Library.

Kamph, J., D. Roylance, et al. (1986). Jamie Kamph: design bindings, 1974-1986. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Kane, J. (2002). A type primer. London, Laurence King.

Kang, K. and R. Thallon (1998). Graphic guide to frame construction. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.

Karo, J. (1975). Graphic design: problems, methods, solutions. New York; London [etc.] (Molly Millar's La., Wokingham, Berks.), Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Karpel, B. and A. Archives of American (1979). Arts in America: a bibliography. Washington, Published for the Archives of American Art by the Smithsonian Institution Press.

Kater, G. (2005). Design first for 3D animators. Plano, Tex., Wordware.

Katsui, M. and T. Kawahara, Eds. (1989). World graphic design now. Tokyo, Kodansha.

Katsumi, M., Y. Kamekura, et al. (1973). The Graphic design of Yusaku Kamekura. New York, Weatherhill; Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha.

Kaufman, A., W. Strasser, et al., Eds. (1999). Proceedings, 1999 EUROGRAPHICS/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, California, August 8-9, 1999. New York, ACM.

Kaye, J. R. (1998). Layout. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Kaye, J. R. (1998). Type. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Kaye, J. R. (2002). Design basics: ideas and inspiration for working with layout, type and color in graphic design. Gloucester, Mass.; Hove, Rockport: RotoVision.

Keedy, H. F. and C. E. Teske (1994). Engineering design graphics using CADKEY 5 and 6. Boston, PWS Pub. Co.

Kelly, J., K. Currie, et al. (1984). The book typography of Hermann Zapf: the article which first appeared in 'Fine print', volume ten, number four, now published in its original version with more illustrations. New York, Typophiles.

Kelly, R. (1996). The art of George du Maurier. Aldershot, Hants, England, Scolar Press.

Kemenov, V. S. (1982). The USSR Academy of Arts: sculpture, painting, graphic arts, stage design, decorative arts. Leningrad, Aurora Art Publishers.

Kendall, M. S. (1989). Site design graphics. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Kent, P. (1990). Mastering Micrografx Designer. San Francisco, SYBEX.

Kent, R., F. Johnson, et al. (1977). The illustrations of Rockwell Kent: 231 examples from books, magazines and advertising art. New York; London, Dover Publications [etc.]: Constable.

Kentie, P. (2000). Web design tools and techniques. Berkeley, Calif., Peachpit.

Kentie, P. and J. Judson (1997). Web graphics tools and techniques. Berkeley, CA, Peachpit Press.

Kepes, G. (1949). Graphic forms: the arts as related to the book. [Cambridge, Mass.], Harvard University Press.

Kerlow, I. V. (1991). Computers in art and design: SIGGRAPH '91 art and design show, July-August 1991, Las Vegas, Nevada. New York, Association for Computing Machinery.

Kerman, P. (2001). ActionScripting inh Flash. Indianapolis, Ind.; [Great Britain], Sams.

Kerman, P. (2004). Sams teach yourself Macromedia Flash MX 2004 in 24 hours. Indianapolis, Sams.

Kery, P. F. (1986). Art Deco graphics. London, Thames & Hudson.

Keyton, J. (2003). Not teflon: MTV design. New York, Rizzoli.

Khan, F. and B. Mahoney (2001). Foundation ColdFusion for Flash. Birmingham, UK, Friends of ED.

Kilgour, A. C. (1983). A design for a distributed graphics system, University of Glasgow.

Kim, M.-S., J. Hoschek, et al. (2002). Handbook of computer-aided geometric design. Amsterdam; Oxford, Elsevier.

Kince, E. (1982). Visual puns in design: the pun used as a communications tool. New York, Watson-Guptill.

King, D. (2004). Art of modern rock. San Francisco, Calif., Chronicle.

King, E. (2003). Designed by Peter Saville. London, Frieze.

King, J. A. (2001). Easy Web graphics. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press.

King-Gordon, S. (2005). Packaging makeovers: graphic redesign for market change. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport Publishers.

Kinoglu, F., A. I. C. i. E. C. a. Exposition, et al. (1993). Computers in engineering, 1993: CAD/CAM/CAE, Computers in engineering education, Computational fluid mechanics, Computer graphics, Computational heat transfer, Design automation, Expert systems, Finite element analysis, Process control, Robotics: proceedings of the 1993 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exposition, August 8-12, San Diego, California. New York, N.Y., American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005