
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

Record 1801 to 1840
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Taylor, T. (2002). AutoCAD 2002 complete. San Francisco, Calif.; London, Sybex.

Teague, J. C. and M. Campbell (2003). SVG for Web designers. New York; [Great Britain], Wiley.

Teixeira, J. C. and J. Rix (1996). Modelling and graphics in science and technology. Berlin; London, Springer.

Tessimond, A. S. J., H. Nicholson, et al. (1985). The collected poems of ASJ Tessimond. Reading [Berkshire], Whiteknights Press.

Thallon, R. (1996). Graphic guide to interior details for builders and designers. Newtown, Conn, Taunton Press.

Thallon, R. (2002). Graphic guide to frame construction: details for builders and designers. Newtown, Conn., Taunton Press.

The Designers and Art Directors, A. (1965). Design and art direction '65. London, Studio Vista.

The Designers and Art Directors, A. (1993). Design and art direction 1993: the 31st annual of the best in UK and international advertising and graphic design, including their respective crafts and product design. London, The Designers and Art Directors Association.

Thoman, R. S. (1971). Design for development in Ontario: the initiation of a regional planning program. Toronto, Allister Typesetting & Graphics.

Thomas, R. M. (1989). Advanced techniques in AutoCAD. San Francisco; London, Sybex: U.S.

Thompson, B. (1988). Bradbury Thompson: the art of graphic design. New Haven, Yale University University Press.

Thompson, B. (1988). The art of graphic design: Bradbury Thompson. New Haven, Conn.; London, Yale University Press.

Thompson, B. (1988). The art of graphic design. New Haven; London, Yale University Press.

Thompson, P. and P. Davenport (1976). A dictionary of graphic clichés. London (61 North Wharf Rd, W2LA), Pentagram Design.

Thompson, T. (1950). Basic layout design. A pattern for understanding the basic motifs in design and how to apply them to graphic art problems. [With illustrations.], New York & London.

Thompson, T. (1950). Basic layout design: a pattern for understanding the basic motifs in design and how to apply them to graphic art problems. New York, Studio Publications, in association with Crowell.

Thomson, E. M. (1997). The origins of graphic design in America: 1870-1920. New Haven; London, London: Yale University Press.

Thomson, E. M. and A. American Institute of Graphic (1992). American graphic design: a guide to the literature. Westport, Conn.; London, Greenwood Press.

Thomson, R. (1979). Principles of graphic communications for engineers. Walton-on-Thames, Nelson.

Thornburg, D. D. (1984). Computer art and animation: a user's guide to Atari logo. Reading, Mass, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.

Thornton, R. and P. Carnegie-Mellon University. Institute of Physical (1978). The design specifications of a virtual graphic processor. Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University, Institute of Physical Planning.

Thornton, R. S. (1991). Japanese graphic design. London, Calmann & King.

Thornton, R. S. (1991). The graphic spirit of Japan. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Thornton, R. S. and M. Design (1991). New Japanese graphics. London, Design Museum.

Thorp, J. (1928). Design in modern printing: the year book of the Design and Industries Association 1927-28. London, Ernest Benn Limited.

Threlfall, A. J. and A. Cement and Concrete (1978). Design charts for water retaining structures to BS5337. Slough, Cement and Concrete Association.

Tickoo, S. (2000). AutoCAD 2000: a problem-solving approach. Albany, N.Y.; [London], Autodesk Press.

Tickoo, S. and C. Technologies (1996). AutoCAD LT: a problem solving approach. Albany, N.Y, Autodesk Press.

Tierney, T. (1982). Ready-to-use illustrations of children: copyright-free designs, printed one side, hundreds of uses. Mineola, N.Y., Dover Publications.

Tierney, T. (1983). Ready-to-use illustrations of hands: copyright free designs, printed one side, hundreds of uses. New York; London, Dover: Constable.

Tierney, T. (1987). Ready-to-use school and education illustrations: copyright-free designs, printed one side, hundreds of uses. Mineola, N.Y., Dover Publications.

Tjalve, E., M. M. Andreasen, et al. (1979). Engineering graphic modelling: a workbook for design engineers. London; Boston, Newnes-Butterworths.

Tonkyn, P. J. (1987). Graphic design education.

Toor, M. L. (1994). Graphic Design on the Desktop: a guide for the non-designer. New York; London, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Toorn, J. v. (1998). Design beyond design: critical reflection and the practice of visual communication. Amsterdam, Jan van Eyck akademie.

Top Design, S. (2003). Letterhead & logo design 8. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Torelli Landini, E., A. Calzavara, et al. (1994). Attilio Calzavara: works and commissions of an anti-Fascist designer. Florence, Published for the Wolfsonian Foundation by Amalthea: Distributed by Casalini Libri.

Toriya, H. and H. Chiyokura (1993). 3D CAD principles and applications. Berlin; London, Springer-Verlag.

Toth, M. and J. D'Amato (2003). Fashion icon: the power and influence of graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Travis, D. (1991). Effective color displays, Academic Press.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005