
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Finke, G. (2003). White graphics: the power of white in graphic design. Gloucester, Mass.; [Great Britain], Rockport.

Finke, G. D., L. Gallery-Dilworth, et al. (1999). You are here: graphics that direct, explain & entertain. Cincinnati, ST Publications.

Finke, G., C. Warmke, et al. (2002). Powerful page design: top designers lay out their concepts to reveal their inspirations. Cincinnati, Ohio; [Great Britain], HOW Design Books.

Finlay, N. and L. Houghton (1985). Artists of the book in Boston, 1890-1910. Cambridge, Mass, Dept. of Printing and Graphic Arts, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library.

Finney, M. (2002). Graphic products. London, Collins Educational.

Fishel, C. (1999). Minimal graphics: the powerful new look of graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Fishel, C. (2001). Paper graphics: the power of paper in graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Fishel, C. M. (1999). Paper graphics. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport Publishers.

Fishel, C. M. (2002). Redesigning identity: graphic design strategies for success. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Fishel, C. M. (2002). The power of paper in graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Fishel, C. M. (2003). Design secrets: packaging; 50 real-life projects uncovered. Gloucester, Ma., Rockport.

Fishel, C. M. (2003). Inside the business of graphic design: 60 leaders share their secrets of success. New York, Allworth Press.

Fishel, C. M. (2003). The perfect package: how to add value through graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Fishenden, R. B. (1935). Penrose annual: a review of the graphic arts. London, Percy Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.

Fishenden, R. B. (1936). The Penrose annual: review of the graphic arts. London, Lund Humphries.

Fishenden, R. B. (1951). The Penrose annual: a review of the graphic arts. London, Lund Humphries.

Fisher, H. T. and A. Harvard Graduate School of Design. Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial (1978). Qualitative vs quantitative cartography. Cambridge, Mass., Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

Fishler, K. D. (1998). On edge: breaking the boundaries of graphic design. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport Publishers.

Fleishman, M. (1993). Starting your small graphic design studio. Cincinnati, Ohio, North Light Books.

Fleishman, M. and G. Graphic Artists (2001). Starting your career as a freelance illustrator or graphic designer. New York, Allworth Press.

Fleming, B. (1998). 3D creature workshop. Rockland, Mass., Charles River Media.

Fleming, B. (2000). Mastering 3D graphics: digital botany and creepy insects. New York; Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.

Fletcher, A. and J. Myerson (1996). Beware wet paint. London, Phaidon.

Fletcher, A., C. Forbes, et al. (1963). Graphic design: visual comparisons. London, Studio Books.

Fletcher, A., C. Forbes, et al. (1964). Graphic Design: visual comparisons. By Alan Fletcher, Colin Forbes, Bob Gill. London; Gouda printed, Studio Books.

Flint, N. (1997). A graphic designer's considerations in multimedia application development, University of Central England in Birmingham.

Foges, C. (1999). Magazine design. Crans-Pres-Celigny, RotoVision.

Foges, C. (2003). Outsize: large scale graphic design. Crans-Pres-Celigny; Hove, RotoVision.

Foley James, D., K. McCormick, et al. (1984). Documenting the design of user computer interfaces. Washington DC, Computer Graphics Consultants.

Follis, J. and D. Hammer (1979). Architectural signing and graphics. New York, Whitney Library of Design.

Foote Cameron, S. (1996). The business side of creativity: the complete guide for running a graphic design or communications business. New York; London, Norton.

Foote Cameron, S. (2001). The creative business guide to running a graphic design business. New York; London, W. W. Norton.

Ford, J. and Ackermann (1983). Ackermann, 1783-1983: the business of art. London, Ackermann.

Forrest, A. R. and G. University of Cambridge. Joint Computer-Aided Design (1968). Curves and surfaces for computer-aided design. [Cambridge], [University of Cambridge (Department of Mathematics)].

Fort Worth Art, M. (1978). The Record as artwork: from futurism to conceptual art. Fort Worth, Texas, Fort Worth Art Museum.

Foster, R. J., H. F. Rogers, et al. (1991). Graphical communication principles: a prelude to CAD. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Foundyller, C. M. and A. Daratech (1980). Turnkey CAD/CAM computer graphics: a survey and buyers' guide for manufacturers. Cambridge, Mass., Daratech Associates.

Fox-Davies, A. C. (1988). Heraldic designs. London, Bracken.

Frascara, J. (1997). User-centred graphic design: mass communications and social change. London; Bristol, PA, Taylor & Francis.

Frascara, J. and A. International Council of Graphic Design (1988). Graphic design, world views: a celebration of 25 years' achievement. Tokyo; New York; New York, NY, Kodansha: Distributed in the U.S. by Kodansha through Harper and Row.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005