
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Fraser Taylor, D. R. (1983). Graphic Communication and Design in Comtemporary Cartography. Chichester, Wiley.

Fraser, B., C. Murphy, et al. (2003). Real world color management: industrial-strength production techniques. Berkeley, CA, Peachpit Press.

Fraser, J., S. Heller, et al. (1996). Japanese modern: graphic design between the wars. San Francisco, CA, Chronicle Books.

Freeman, D. (2004). Creating emotion in games: the craft and art of emotioneering. Indianapolis, IN, New Riders.

French, T. E. and C. J. Vierck (1970). Graphic science and design. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Frey, D. (1999). AutoCAD 2000: no experience required. San Francisco, Calif.; London, SYBEX.

Frey, D. (2000). AutoCad 2000 visual jumpstart. San Francisco; London, Sybex.

Frey, D. (2001). AutoCAD 2002: no experience required. San Francisco, Calif.; London, SYBEX.

Friedl, F., N. Ott, et al. (1998). Typography, when, who, how = Typographie, wann, wer, wie = Typographie, quand, qui, comment / editée par Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott, Bernard Stein. Koln, Konemann.

Friedl, F., N. Ott, et al. (1998). Typography, when, who, how = Typographie, wann, wer, wie = Typographie, quand, qui, comment = herausgegeben von = editée par Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott, Bernard Stein. Text: the tools = Text: die Werkzeuge = texte: les outils. Koln, Konemann.

Friend, L. and J. Hefter (1936). Graphic design. A library of old and new masters in the graphic arts. [Plates, with descriptive letterpress.], New York & London.

Friend, L. and J. Hefter (1936). Graphic Design. A library of old and new masters in the graphic arts. [With illustrations.]. New York & London, McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Friend, L. and J. Hefter (1936). Graphic design: a library of old and new masters in the graphic arts. New York; London, Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Frost, M. (2003). Malcolm Frost: graphic design for architects. Mulgrave, Vic., Images.

Galitz, W. O. (1994). It's time to clean your Windows: designing GUIs that work. New York; Chichester, Wiley.

Galkus, J. P. o. G. A. a. V. A. o. A. and A. L. d. Naciulis (1969). Alcoholism: the outline of a figure of a man, with a bottle covering his heart. [Vilnius], Leidykla "Mintis".

Gallagher, J. B. S. (1998). In search of paradigms in multimedia systems design: an analysis of software engineering and graphic design approaches using the Kuhnian model, Queen's University of Belfast.

Gamble, W. (1903). Penrose's pictorial annual: an illustrated review of the graphic arts. London, A.W. Penrose & Co.

Gamble, W. (1906). Penrose's pictorial annual: an illustrated review of the graphic arts. The process year book. London, A.W. Penrose & Co. Ltd.

Gamble, W. (1908). Penrose's pictorial annual: the process year book. An illustrated review of the graphic arts. London, A.W. Penrose & Co. Ltd.

Gamble, W. (1909). Penrose's pictorial annual: a review of the graphic arts. London, A.W. Penrose & Co. Ltd.

Gamble, W. (1921). Penroses's annual: the process year book and review of the graphic arts. Bradford, Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd.

Gamble, W. (1929). Penrose's annual: the process year book and review of the graphic arts. London, Percy Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.

Gamble, W. (1931). Penrose's annual: the year's progress in the graphic arts. London, Percy Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.

Games, N., C. Moriarty, et al. (2003). Abram Games, graphic designer: maximum meaning, minimum means. Aldershot, Lund Humphries.

Ganim, B. (1991). The designer's commonsense business book, North Light Books.

Gardan, Y., M. Lucas, et al. (1984). Interactive graphics in CAD. London, Kogan Page.

Garland, K. (1980). Illustrated graphics glossary of terms used in printing, publishing, photography, and other fields of interest to graphic designers, their clients, and their suppliers. London [etc.], Barrie & Jenkins.

Garland, K. (1989). Graphics, design and printing terms: an international dictionary. London [etc.], Lund Humphries.

Garland, K., T. University of Reading. Department of, et al. (1996). A word in your eye: opinions, observations and conjectures on design, from 1960 to the present. Reading, University of Reading, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication.

Garlock, K. L., S. Piontek, et al. (1996). Building the service-based library Web site: a step-by-step guide to design and options. Chicago; London, American Library Association.

Garrett, J. J. (2002). The elements of user experience: user-centered design for the Web. Indianapolis, Ind., New Riders.

Garrett, L. (1967). Visual design: a problem-solving approach. New York; London, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Gatter, M. (2004). Getting it right in print: digital pre-press for graphic designers. London, Laurence King.

Gentleman, D. (1972). Design in miniature. London, Studio Vista.

Gerani, G. (1995). The art of Star wars galaxy. London, Titan.

Gerstner, K. (1964). Designing programmes: four essays and introduction. London, Tiranti.

Gerstner, K. (1968). Designing programmes: four essays and an introduction. Teufen, Switzerland, A. Niggli.

Gesner, R. (1995). Inside AutoCAD LT for Windows. New Riders, Indianapolis.

Gesner, R., D. Raker, et al. (1993). Inside AutoCAD release 12 for Windows. Carmel, Ind., New Riders Pub.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005