
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Mertins, K. and R. Jochem (1999). Quality-oriented design of business processes. Boston; London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Messcher, W. (1967). A nomographic representation of the geoid. Cambridge, Mass., Laboratory for Computer Graphics, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

Messcher, W. (1968). A nomographic representation of trajectories. Cambridge, Mass., Laboratory for Computer Graphics, Harvard Center for Environmental Design Studies. Harvard Univ.

Messina, F., P. Centro Iniziative culturali, et al. (1981). Francesco Messina: Graphic design: Galleria Sagittaria. 1981: Centro iniziative culturali Pordenone, 127a mostra d'arte. Pordenone, Centro iniziative culturali Pordenone.

Metzig, W. (1969). Heraldry for the designer. New York; London, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Meyer, E. K. (1997). Designing infographics. [Indianapolis, Ind.], Hayden Books.

Meynell, S. F., P. Pelican, et al. (1923). Typography: the written word and the printed word; some tests for types; concerning printers' flowers; the pioneer work of the Pelican Press; the points of a well-made book; a glossary of printers' terms, type specimens; a display of borders and initials. London, Prepared, printed and pub. by the Pelican Press.

Mezinárodní bienále grafického, d., k. Czech Republic. Ministerstvo, et al. (2002). Plakát, firemní, informacní a reklamní grafika: 20. mezinárodní bienále grafického designu Brno 2002: [18.6.-20.10.2002] = Poster, corporate identity, information and advertising graphics: 20th international biennale of graphic design Brno 2002. Brno, Moravska galerie.

Michael David, E. (1988). User difference and graphic design: some studies with flow charts, University of Keele.

Micrografx, I. (1989). Micrografx Designer learning guide. Richardson, Texas, Micrographx Inc.

Micrografx, I. (1990). Micrografx designer reference guide. Richardson, Texas, Micrographx Inc.

Middlebrook, M. and B. E. Smith (2000). AutoCAD 2000 for dummies. Foster City, CA, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

Middlebrook, M. and D. Byrnes (2005). AutoCAD 2006 for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.; [Great Britain], Wiley.

Mijksenaar, P. and P. Westendorp (1999). Open here: the art of instructional design. London, Thames & Hudson.

Milburn, K., I. OnCall, et al. (2001). Flash: site workshop. Indianapolis, Ind.; [Great Britain], Sams.

Miles, J. (1987). Design for desktop publishing: a guide to layout and typography on the personal computer. San Francisco, Chronicle Books.

Miles, W. K. (1962). Designs for craftsmen. Textiles, graphics, ceramics. and many other crafts. [With illustrations.], New York.

Miles, W. K. (1962). Designs for craftsmen: textiles, graphics, ceramics, wood, glass, metal, leather, and many other crafts. Garden City, N.Y, Doubleday.

Miller Marc, D. and R. Zaucha (1992). The color Mac: design production techniques. Carmel, IN, Hayden.

Miller, A. and E. Lupton (1999). Design writing research. London, Phaidon.

Miller, A. R. and J. M. Brown (1998). Design sense: graphic design on a limited budget. Gloucester, Mass., Rockport.

Milne, M. and N. H. Yale Conference on Computer Graphics in Architecture (1969). Computer graphics in architecture and design. New Haven, Yale School of Art and Architecture.

Milne, M., A. Yale Conference on Computer Graphics in, et al. (1969). Computer graphics in architecture and design: proceedings. New Haven, Yale School of Art and Architecture.

Milton, H. and C. Design (1991). Packaging design. London, Design Council.

Minick, S. and J. Ping (1990). Chinese graphic design in the Twentieth Century. London, Thames and Hudson.

Minton, J., J. S. Rothenstein, et al. (1974). John Minton, 1917-1957: paintings, drawings, illustrations and stage designs: [catalogue of an exhibition held at] Reading Museum and Art Gallery, Nov. 2nd-30th, 1974, Graves Art Gallery, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Dec. 7th [1974]-Jan. 4th 1975. [Reading] ([P.O. Box 17, Town Hall, Reading, Berks.]), [The Museum].

Mintz, P. B. (1981). Dictionary of graphic arts terms: a communication tool for people who buy type and printing. New York; London, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Mitchell, W. J. (1987). Art of Computer Graphics, Van Nost.Reinhold.

Mitchell, W. J., R. S. Liggett, et al. (1987). The art of computer graphics programming: a structured introduction for architects and designers. New York; Wokingham, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Mitton, M. (2004). Interior design visual presentation: a guide to graphics, models and presentation techniques. Hoboken, N.J.; [Great Britain], John Wiley.

Mlakar, S., R. Designers, et al. (2001). 3D 2D: adventures in and out of architecture. [s.l.], [s.n.].

Mochel, E. V. and L. S. Fletcher (1981). Problems in engineering design graphics. Englewood Cliffs; London, Prentice-Hall.

Moffitt, J. F. (2004). The Islamic design module in Latin America: proportionality and the techniques of neo-Mudéjar architecture. Jefferson, N.C.; London, McFarland.

Mohler, J. L. (2002). Flash MX: graphics, animation, and interactivity. Clifton Park, N.Y.; [Great Britain], Delmar Learning.

Mohler, J. L. and J. M. Duff (2000). Designing interactive Web sites. Albany, NY, Delmar/Thomson Learning.

Molecular Graphics and Modelling, S. (1995). Molecular design down under: 14th Annual Conference: Abstracts, Elsevier.

Molecular Graphics, S. (1985). Computer-aided molecular design: proceedings of a 2-day conference held in London 18th and 19th October, 1984 in association with The Molecular Graphics Society. London, Oyez Scientific & Technical Sciences.

Molnar, S., K. Akeley, et al. (2001). Proceedings, Graphics Hardware 2001: ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles. California, August 12-13, 2001. New York, ACM.

Moor, A. (1997). Architectural glass art: form and technique in contemporary glass. London; New York, Mitchell Beazley: Rizzoli.

Moore, P. A. and A. Harvard University. Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial, Eds. (1981). Cartographic data bases and software: plus cadastral data bases. Harvard library of computer graphics/1981 mapping collection; v. 13. Cambridge, Mass., Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard Graduate School of Design.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005