
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Moore, P. A. and A. Harvard University. Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial, Eds. (1981). Computer graphics hardware. Harvard library of computer graphics/1981 mapping collection; v. 14. Cambridge, Mass., Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Moore, R. J. (2004). Design secrets: layout: 50 real-life projects uncovered. Gloucester, Mass.; Hove, Rockport Publishers: Rotovision.

Moore, R. J. (2004). Layout: 50 real-life projects uncovered. Gloucester, Mass.; Hove, Rockport Publishers: Rotovision.

Morison, S. (1967). First principles of typography. Cambridge, Cambridge U.P.

Morozzi, C. and P. P. Pitacco (2000). Stile italiano: Pier Paolo Pitacco, twenty years' graphic design in Italian fashion. Milan, Lupetti.

Morris, D. and L. Hartas (2003). Collins game art: the graphic art of computer games. London, Collins.

Morris, N. M. (1986). Computer graphics and CAD fundamentals: BBC Micro version. London, Pitman.

Morsley, D. and L. Infotech International (1978). IBM. Maidenhead, Infotech International.

Morsley, D. and L. Infotech International (1979). Managing the distribution of DP. Maidenhead, Infotech International.

Moser, H. (2003). The art directors' handbook of professional magazine design: classic techniques and inspirational approaches. London, Thames & Hudson.

Mosher, M. R. and R. P. Shepard (2002). Creating Web graphics, audio & video. Upper Saddle River, N.J.; London, Prentice Hall PTR: Pearson Education.

Mould, D. D. C. P. (1978). Valentia: portrait of an island. Dublin, Blackwater Press.

Mount, C., P. Kenez, et al. (1997). Stenberg brothers: constructing a revolution in Soviet design. New York, Museum of Modern Art.

Mourier, M., E. Mourier, et al. (1999). Bogdesign: tilrettelægning af illustrerede bøger. Kobenhavn, Den Grafiske hojskole: Grafisk litteratur.

Muck, T. (2003). Flash remoting: the definitive guide. Sebastopol, CA, O'Reilly.

Mudur, S. P., S. N. Pattanaik, et al. (1993). Graphics, design and visualisation: Proceedings of ICCG93 - International Conference on Computer Graphics, February 24-26, 1993, Bombay, India. Bombay, India, Jaico.

Mudur, S. P., S. N. Pattanaik, et al. (1993). Graphics, design and visualization: proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.2/WG5.10 CSI International Conference on Computer Graphics - ICCG93, Bombay, India. 1993. Amsterdam, North-Holland.

Mudur, S. P., S. N. Pattanaik, et al. (1993). Graphics, design, and visualization: proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.2/WG5.10 CSI International Conference on Computer Graphics - ICCG93, Bombay, India, 24-26 February 1993. Amsterdam; London, North-Holland.

Mudur, S. P., S. N. Pattanaik, et al., Eds. (1993). Graphics, design, and visualization: International conference on computer graphics: Papers. Amsterdam; New York, North-Holland.

Mueller-Brockman, J. (1961). The graphic artist and his design problems: creative problems of the graphic designer, design and training in commercial art. London, Tiranti.

Mueller-Brockmann, J. (1981). Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communications manaual for graphic designers, typographers and three dimensional designers, Niederteufen Switz.

Mueller-Brockmann, J. (1981). Grid Systems in Graphic Design. Stuttgart, Verlag Gerd Hatje.

Mueller-Brockmann, J., D. Q. Stephensen, et al. (1961). Gestaltungsprobleme des Grafikers. The graphic artist and his design problems. Les Problèmes d'un Artiste Graphique, etc, London.

Mulder, S. (1997). Web designer's guide to style sheets. Indianapolis, Ind.; [Great Britain], Hayden.

Mulherin, J. (1988). Presentation techniques for the graphic artist: how to sell your ideas effectively. Oxford, Phaidon.

Mulherin, J. (1988). Presentation techniques for the graphic artist. Oxford, Phaidon.

Mullard, L. (1984). Monochrome cathode-ray tubes for data and graphic displays (selected types). London, Mullard Ltd.

Müller-Brockmann, J. (1961). The graphic artist and his design problems: creative problems of the graphic designer [and] design and training in commercial art. New York, Hastings-House.

Muller-Brockmann, J. (1983). Graphic Designer and His Design Problems. Niederteufen, Niggle Ag.

Müller-Brockmann, J. (1983). The graphic designer and his design problems: creative problems of the graphic designer; design and training in graphic design. Niederteufen, Niggli.

Müller-Brockmann, J. (1996). Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers and three dimensional designers = Raster Systeme für die visuelle Gestaltung: ein Handbuch für Grafiker, Typografen und Ausstellungsgestalter. Sulgen/Zurich, Niggli.

Müller-Brockmann, J. and L. Müller (1995). Josef Müller-Brockmann: designer: a pioneer of Swiss graphic design. Baden, Switzerland, Verlag Lars Muller.

Mullins, D. R., C. P. Eastham, et al. (1980). Computer program for Smith chart design of microwave matching networks using interactive graphics. Farnborough, Royal Aircraft Establishment.

Mulvey, F. (1969). Graphic perception of space. London, Studio Vista; New York: Reinhold Book Corp.

Munce, H. (1982). Graphics handbook: a beginner's guide to design, copy fitting and printing procedures. [Westport, Conn.]; New York, North Light Publishers: Distributed by Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Mur Pastor, P., I. Zaldua, et al. (1995). Artes gráficas: una introducción a la historia de la imprenta en el País Vasco. Bilbao, Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia.

Murphy, J. M. and M. Rowe (1988). How to design trademarks and logos. Oxford, Phaidon.

Murphy, J. S. and K. G. Balke (1989). Software diagraming: a new design paradigm. New York; London, McGraw-Hill Bk. Co: Intertext Publications.

Murphy, P. (1997). Graphics: real-world graphic design projects: from brief to finished solution. Crans-Pres-Celigny, Switzerland, Roto Vision SA.

Murray, R. (1977). Designer's and art director's manual of technique. London, Business Books.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005