
Hundreds of Graphic Design Books!


Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books
Graphic Design Books

Graphic Design Books

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Murray, R. (1983). How to brief designers and buy print. London, Business Books.

Muzej primenjene, u. (1984). Milan Martinovic: graficko oblikovanje, ilustracije, plakati, grafike, crtezi u boji, akvareli = graphic design, illustrations, posters, engravings, drawings in colour, watercolours: Salon Muzeja primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, Septembar 1984. Beograd, [Muzej primenjene umetnosti].

Myers, D. R. (2005). The graphic designer's guide to portfolio design. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley.

Myers, R., M. Harris, et al. (1994). A millennium of the book: production, design & illustration in manuscript & print, 900-1900. Winchester; New Castle, Del, St. Paul's Bibliographies: Oak Knoll Press.

Myerson, J. (1999). The 37th annual of the best in British and international design and advertising 1999: editorial content Jeremy Myerson. London, Laurence King.

Myerson, J., G. Vickers, et al. (2002). Rewind: forty years of design and advertising. London; New York, Phaidon.

Myrberg, M. (1978). Towards an ergonomic theory of text design and composition. Uppsala, Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Nagai, K., K. Sato, et al., Eds. (1987). Graphics Japan: 46 leading graphic designers. Tokyo, Japan, Graphic-sha.

Nakamura, Y. and I. Takenobu, Eds. (1983). Igarashi space graphics: design for communication, design for environment, design for design. Tokyo, Shoten Kenchiku-sha.

National Book, L. (1959). A selection from the fifty best books produced in the Netherlands in 1958: [for the International Book Design Exhibition at the National Book League]. Amsterdam, Graphic Export Centre.

National Geographic Society. Book, D. (1998). Inside/out: the best of National Geographic diagrams and cutaways. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society.

National Graphical, A., D. E. a. P. W. Society of Lithographic Artists, et al. (1978). Amalgamation proposals and draft rules of the Graphic Arts Union: as approved by the National Councils of NGA and SLADE and the National Executive Council of NUWDAT and endorsed by conferences of all three unions. Bedford, National GraphicalAssociation.

National Museum of American Art, S. I. (1985). The Woven and graphic work of Anni Albers. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press.

National Research Council. Transportation Research, B. (1983). Highway geometrics, interactive graphics, and laser mapping. Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.

Nationalmuseum (1948). Northern book design and commercial printing: in connection with the sixth International Master Printers' Congress. Stockholm, National museum.

Navarro, A. (2001). Effective Web design. San Francisco, Calif.; London, Sybex.

Nees, G. (1995). Formel, Farbe, Form: Computerästhetik für Medien und Design. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

Néret, G. (1986). The Arts of the twenties: painting, sculpture, architecture, design, theater design, graphic art, photography and film. New York, Rizzoli International Publications.

Néret, G. (1986). The arts of the twenties: painting, sculpture, architecture, design, theater design, graphic art, photography, film. New York, Rizzoli.

Nettleton, N. (2003). Web design start here! all that you need to create your own fantastic websites. Lewes, Ilex.

Neuenschwander, B. (1993). Letterwork: creative letterforms in graphic design. London, Phaidon Press.

Neumann, E. (1967). Functional graphic design in the 20's. [Illustrated.], New York; London.

Neumann, E. (1967). Functional graphic design in the 20's. New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp.

Neumeier, M. and A. American Institute of Graphic (2003). The brand gap: how to bridge the distance between business strategy and design: a whiteboard overview. Indianapolis, Ind.; London, New Riders Pub, Pearson Education.

Newark, Q. (2002). What is graphic design?. Mies, Switzerland, RotoVision.

Newberry, B. and K. York (1998). Fresh ideas in limited budget design. Cincinnati, Ohio, North Light Books.

Newcomb, J. (1984). The book of graphic problem-solving: how to get visual ideas when you need them. New York; London, Bowker.

Newman, M. J., G. Rutherford Laboratory. Applied Physics Division. Computing Applications, et al. (1972). GFUN users guide: a user guide to an interactive graphics program for the computer aided design of magnets. Didcot, Computing Applications Group, Rutherford High Energy Laboratory.

Newport, M. (1965). Typographic Variations on 14 epitaphs. (Excusemy.-Designed and produced by graphic design students of Newport, Monmouthshire, College of Art.). [Newport], Screw Packet Press.

Newport. School of Graphic, D. (1966). Lifeline: a graphic record of the Severn Crossing including an historical survey, the structure of the new suspension bridgeand its effect on the community, Screwpacket P.

Ng Chak, M. (1993). The design of a cost-effective high performance graphics processor, University of Ulster.

Nicholl, B. (1991). Graphics. London, Cassell.

Niederst, J. (1999). Web design in a nutshell: a desktop quick reference. Sebastopol, CA, O'Reilly & Associates.

Niederst, J. and E. Freedman (1996). Designing for the web: getting started in a new medium. Bonn; Sebastopol, CA, O'Reilly & Associates.

Nikitas, K. and G. Woman Made (1996). And she told 2 friends: an international exhibit of graphic design by women. Chicago, Ill., Michael Mendelson Books.

Nimani, S., J. Jevtovic, et al. (1975). Nimani '75: Shyqri Nimani, izlozba grafickog dizajna: Exhibition of graphic design, Gallery of the Museum of Applied Arts, Beograd = Ekspozitë e dizajnit Saloni i Muzeut të Arteve Aplikative, Beograd = Salon Muzeja primenjene umetnosti Beograd, Vuka Karadzica 18: 29.V.-16.VI.1975. [Beograd, Izdaje Mzej primenjene umetnosti.

Noble, I. (2003). Picture perfect: fusions of illustration & design. Crans-Pres-Celigny; Hove, RotoVision.

Norrish, P., T. University of Reading. Department of, et al. (1987). The graphic translatability of text. Reading, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading.

Notley, M. G. (1971). On the design of a graphic display language for interogating a large data base.

Nuffield, F. (1996). Graphics. Harlow, Longman.

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Last Modified: 18 October 2005